Sunday, August 15, 2010

what do guys want exactly??? homa 3awzeen eh broo7 mamethom?

     OK , what do they really want? y3ny lma nb2a kwaiseen w banat 7alal ydona 3la afana , w lma netml3an w n2leb 3alehom y3yato w y2olo 2ool lel zaman erga3 wenaby ...
Guys , those following stories happened bgd to some of my closest friends , and i'm pissed off , because i know how it hurts to lose belief , bgd i'll tell you those stories and you judge for yourselves because elmawdo3 b2a ooooover bgd oooover...
1- one of my friends was in relationship with a guy for three years over net ( ygta3 el net wel neteeta welly ynateto 3aleh) , anyway they saw eachothers via webcam and those faksa technological fashla means ( because the guy was abroad , w dee moshkila tanya)... anyway elwad nezel w hyt2ablo .. w et2ablo w reg3t 3la betha happy only to be shocked in the morning by an msn men roo7 mamto sayin( sorry i can't continue) and when she confronted him WHY ya brad pitt 3asrak w awanak he said (asl your design w structure m3agabonesh )....YA EBN ELLLL........ (kol el shataym).. design w structure? bgd 3eb a2ol ele nefsy feh ..
2- my closest friend was in love with a guy , hwa kman friend for me .. elbet bt7bo w mfehash 7aga tet3ayb w hwa !!! 2erd , monkey w shwaya yb2a on w b3den off .. eh yala? mt3mlk 2afla w estrgl keda .. shwaya y2oly klam w yro7 y2ol klam tany l nas tanya w  y2olha hya klam talet ...hwa feh eh yad? bgd el regala gralha eh? w leh b2o ashba7 keda?
Allah yr7amak yaaaa, ya meen? wallahy ma3arfa.
3- wad 3shan y5la3 min bent kan by7bha 2alha 3ando influenza el 5anazeer belsala 3al sala .. w msh hy2dar ydamrlaha her furure so lazem ynse7eb min 7ayatha .. welbet galha nervous breakdown w kanet btmoot because she thought en el 7eela da7a b 7bo 3shan y7afez 3la 7ayatha , only to discover b3d yumen en m2soof el ra2ba tele3 sharm m3a s7abo w sa7eb bet tanya w kan 3awez y5la3 w bas.
                just imagine .............................................
hwa feh eh? leh b2eto keda ya regalaaa?
y3ny el mawdo3 hormonat wala bee2a wala genat werasya ? 2ololna ymkin neb3ed 3anko w nraya7ko ... the worset thing is when you lose belief and trust .. la2 w y3ezo awi awi yfkeso in the time of need ..
   Once upon a time there was a MAN , keeps his words , respects his woman , protects his home , he was like a stone .. strong and solid .. he remained like that till he died  with his woman beside him so content. She lived on his memory .. coz he was a man..
                            dee kanet kesa 5yalya msh wake3ya ...
                            elwake3 hwa kol ele kan abl el kessa dee.
                                                ya regala  !!

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. look jeje ahena el atnen 3arfen el people dol

    awel story i think 3ando 30

    tani story 3ando 25

    talet story 3ando 7wal 17 7aga keda

    low l7azty m3aya an el rgola d3et men 30 sana :D y3ani men ayem babay w babki :D w 3ashan keda at3mlena bril 3ashan nstergal :D hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sba7 el fol

  2. aiwa ya mahmoud bas bardo akeed el 3elm momkin y7el el moshkela dee :D.. ana mestnya e5tera3 zary ysala7 kol 7aga
