I was watching Eclipse , the Twilight saga
and i was hit by few ideas ,,
like why we always have romantic fantasies about vampires?
and why we always portray them as beautiful elegant smooth creatures?
and why we always let them win eventually or at least we leave it open end ?
Remember the movie ( Interview With a Vampire)? where they gathered the three alive hunks of Hollywood then ( Pitt, Cruise, Banderas) in one movie leaving us the poor helpless females imagining ourselves part of this gorgeous creatures?
me , i imagined me a beautiful gurl whome Pitt saw and couldn't resist till he transformed her into an immortal creature like him bla, bla, bla...
But then the idea hit me ! would i stand same face , same voice , same everything ,
nothing changes at all for life? hell , forever? FOREVER? dee teb2a 3esha hbab , even Pitt with all his charm can't stand such test .
I mean come to think of it , if you married a guy and he turned out to be a jerk ( like most men are as we agree ), you will always have this hope that someday hayfyas aw enty tfayasy w ne5las w ahe 3esha ..But to stick on to someone knowing that he will never die and you can't even escape coz if you tried to escape hygebek min afaky men re7tek,,,,
dee tb2a 3esha soda ..
Now back to Bella elle hya habla w msh fahma , obviously she is trapped between two gorgeous hunks Edward the vampire and Jakob the warewolf .. i understand her dilemma since they are both drop dead lookers but to live a dead life the idea makes 3am dahab bta3 el batata looks more hotter coz at least loh ree7a unlike the odourless, tasteless Edward .. now i didn't watch the movie till end yet so i don't know what will be Bella's choice , will it be death naturally or death by living dead beside Edward...
Does love really that powerfull?
We'll see ....
Last thought : Can he stand forever for me?
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