A man in love ..love brings identity , love applies meanings .
Caruso within horizon , a voice carried through winds ..
( he saw the lights out on the sea
he thought of all the nights behind
they were only the lampare
the white wake of a stern)
and from far , in his mind only her image emerges , through dreams , only one grey giant cell
He is a man in love .. searching for pearls to his love
in love ..letters are too precious to waste
BUT was he loved??
( he felt the pain in the music
he stood up by the piano
but when he saw the moon
death was also sweet to him
he looked into her eyes
two eyes as green as the sea
then suddenly he felt tears
and he believed he was fell into the sea).
Once he was loved he believes and again he felt that sweet pain when you jump into your brain
the voice of the song is fading away , leaving a sweet taste on the tips of his tongue
he is alone but not lonely
he is away but so close
he is here and there
between the sense and the feeling
he went into oblivion again , half awake
(i love you
so much as you know
it is like a chain now
that heats up my blood
inside the veins you know)
again , it's his blood that speaks
it's beyond his bones
but have you ever been happy shedding your blood for your love?
he was in love
he was loved.